Posts in the Promotional Video category

The new year resolutions are kicking in. Everybody seems obsessed to jump back on the treadmill and shed off all the extra weight we put on during the holiday season (including myself). New year, new goals, new exercise routine, healthier eating, new connections… the list goes on. Now that we have written down the goals for being more active and living a healthier life, how do we choose the right exercise routine that will keep us motivated and won’t let us easily fall off the wagon?

A while ago, I met an amazing woman, Monika Schoenenberger, a Zumba instructor in Vancouver, BC. What’s amazing about Monika is her energy and passion for what she does. Her joie-de-vivre is notorious, her love for Zumba fitness is contagious and her smile is just unique. Monika’s goal this year is to become a ZES (Zumba education specialist) member and she commissioned a video showing the choreography with different types of Zumba moves she is able to teach. This is a requirement for a Zumba instructor searching for then ZES title.

We met with Monika and a handful of her friends and Zumba class followers. We shot 3 hours of high energy Zumba choreography movements with contagious Latin music and a fantastic group of women. Little did we know how much fun we would have during this video shoot and how great we would feel after editing the final product. We sure wish Monika the best in her job application and we invite any Zumba lovers to attend one of her classes in Vancouver.

Jazzfly Video Productions can help you and your company with any video needs. Give us a call for a free consultation: 778.317.4227

The Tri-Cities area has a thriving business community and we are very fortunate to connect with different local organizations and help them tell their story through video. We were commissioned to make a promotional video for  Community Ventures Society, a Port Moody Nonprofit organization whose mission is to “Open doors to opportunities for children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families so that they live the life they choose.” The people that work in this institution are true believers of inclusion and change and their work is very inspiring.

We booked a few days to interview key members of the organization as well as some of their clients and families. We learned about the commitment of CVS members and staff to create an inclusive community offering a wealth of services and programs that support their clients. CVS works hard to build bridges and create opportunities to help their clients become independent individuals and prosperous members of society.

The promotional video was requested with the purpose to  promote their services and create awareness in the community. This video will be used in presentations, on social media channels and on their web site.

The joy of living in an involved community is that we all care about the efforts made by local organizations to improve the services in the area. Eagle Ridge Hospital is one of 12 hospitals in the jurisdiction of the Fraser Health and services 1.3 million people!

We had the pleasure to work with the Eagle Ridge Hospital Foundation making a highlights of the event video for their 8th annual fundraiser Wheel2Heal that raises over $147,000.00 dollars . The event was held at Town Centre Park in Coquitlam, it was a busy and energized morning where riders, sponsors, volunteers, staff and friends had all equal fun.

Jazzfly Video Productions was present in this fun family event! We interviewed a few dignitaries and ERHF staff members explaining about the fundraising efforts to help ERHF and inviting participants to engage and participate in future fundraising events for the local hospital.


Kudos to all the winners and top fundraisers:

Top Fundraiser – Mayor Greg Moore ($12,001)

Top Youth Fundraiser – William Mostrenko ($558)

Second Place Youth Fundraiser – Robbie Woods ($510)

Top Team Average Fundraising – Cycle of Life (average fundraising $4,099 per rider)

Top Fundraising Team – Westwood Cycle ($35,678)

Top Kids Fundraiser – Ronan Johns ($1,000)

Second Place Kids Fundraiser – Jaiden Keenan ($717.55)

Jazzfly Video Productions met with Joseph Choi also known as “The Cabinet Whisperer”, Director of Customer Happiness with ShelfGenie. Joseph is passionate about transforming spaces and making people’s lives less stressed.                                                                                    Joseph commissioned a promotional video for ShelfGenie BC showcasing his work, his team and using some real client testimonials.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        We had a blast making this video. Joseph and his staff are dedicated individuals, passionate about what they do and truly show commitment to service their clientele. We also showcased a few happy customers that are 100% satisfied with ShelfGenie, Joseph and his team.

Jazzfly Video Productions worked with the client drafting a script with a clear call to action. We set interviews with the owner, staff and customers. We used b-roll takes that helped interpret they said in the interviews. The final product is a 3.5 minutes promotional video that is informative, interesting and professional. We also delivered a series of 30 seconds short videos used for home page, social media purposes and email marketing.

ShelfGenie: “Everything within reach”

Meet Carol one of ShelfGenie’s top designers.



The Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit organization that offers a variety of services to the local business community. The Chamber rewards annually businesses, organizations and individuals who have been selected for their involvement in the community and their achievements of Excellence.

We were invited to produce a highlights of event video for the 2016 Business Excellence Awards held at the Hard Rock Casino Vancouver. The purpose of this video is to promote the following year event and invite the community to participate and support the Chamber in this annual Gala.

Congratulations to all the Award Winners!


Jazzfly Video Productions is excited about attending the 2015 Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards Gala at the Hard Rock Casino. Our Senior Video Producer Ross Harvey Will be videotaping the highlights of the event. Get in front of the camera and be part of the video!!!! Here is the video of last year’s event that we also produced:

Your mantra on video
Do you want to connect with a larger audience?
Do you want your website to rate higher in Google search?Jazzfly Video Productions offers an exclusive promotion for Tri-Cities Chamber members.
We will shoot your elevator speech , add some music, logo , call to action and upload the video for you to share it in any of your social media channels and on your landing pages.
When: November 21
Sessions: are 1 hour starting at 9am
Price: $249 + tax (value $500)
Contact Gabriella to book your sessions and start your video marketing experience! 778.317.4227

Many people think that having your own business is the key to have more time and freedom. This may be true in some cases and I am sure there are many business owners that can testify that they got where they got with a lot of effort and sacrifice. The key to success is to be organized and focused, discipline is a must!

When I first joined Jazzfly Video Productions  I felt a bit lost , I was running in all directions without accomplishing much, I knew what I had to do but I had so many things in my head that I was becoming my own enemy. Fortunately I was introduced to Donna Willon of Focused Networking . Donna offers one on one coaching sessions called “Achieving Excellence“. This program allows business owners to become more focused by working on a business plan, strengthening strategic alliances and taking action every day. During the coaching sessions, Donna offers advise and challenges you to do what you need to do to succeed.

We worked with Donna to produce a business coach promotional video of her coaching sessions. We interviewed Donna in our studio and in a few hours we had a striking promotional piece that she will use on her website and social media channels.

Thank you Donna for sharing your knowledge!



Linkedin and Donna Willon

Donna Willon of Focused Networking offers a very insightful view of networking and getting new business through Linkedin connections. I went through this online training and workbooks and can testify that it works. Donna helped me to present myself with a very professional looking profile, she gave me the tools to connect with potential clients and the confidence to utilize Linkedin in a smart way. This is one of a series of videos Jazzfly Video Productions shot for Focused Networking.